
Data-Driven Documents

Slides : bit.ly/gdi-d3-slides

What is D3?

What d3 is not?

Not a prototyping tool.

Then Why?

Lot's of examples


    SVG is another HTML element, except you can't put another HTML element inside an SVG.

SVG does not support common HTML attributes or styles such as position, left, top, right, bottom or float.





Interesting fact: if a properly specified value is provided for rx but not for ry (or the opposite), then the browser will consider the missing value equal to the defined one.




  • M - move.
  • L - line.
  • z - close path.


Unless you set the style of the SVG text, it inherits font-styles from CSS.

		Look at me, I am a text.



Any transformations (positioning, scaling, rotating) that are applied to the group element will also be applied to each of the child elements.



SVG styles

  • background-color = fill
  • border = stroke

How to D3

Procedure to associate data with DOM

  1. Select a parent container and child nodes
  2. Bind array of data to child nodes
  3. Append nodes to parent container
  4. Bind events, style and animate!


Select a parent container and child nodes


						var paragraphs = $("div p");


						var paragraphs = d3.select("div").selectAll("p");

D3 difference: child nodes might not actually exist

Selectors in D3 are declared the same way as CSS rules. An important difference is that a D3 selector object only contains the elements that matched the selection rule when the selection was first created.


Bind array of data to child nodes

							.data([3, 7, 21, 31, 35, 42])


Enter() and Append()

When data is bound to a selection, each element in the data array is paired with the corresponding node in the selection. If there are fewer nodes than data, the extra data elements form the enter selection, which you can instantiate by appending to the enter selection

								.data([3, 7, 21, 31, 35, 42])


Exit() and Remove()

Using D3’s exit and remove, you can get rid of outgoing nodes that are no longer needed.

var bars = d3.select('svg').selectAll('rect').data(someData);

//if we have more data, add new rectangles for those data items

//if we have less data points, remove the rectangles that no longer have a data pairing.

if you forget about the enter and exit selections, you will automatically select only the elements for which there exists corresponding data.

// Update…
var p = d3.select("body").selectAll("p")
	.data([3, 7, 21, 31, 35, 42]);

// Enter…

// Exit…

By handling these three cases separately, you specify precisely which operations run on which nodes.

Let's give it a try

Exercise: http://bit.ly/enter-exit-exercise

If you get stuck...Sotlution

You can operate over the nodes in a declarative way using selector methods.

  • setting attributes or styles
  • registering event listeners
  • adding, removing or sorting nodes
  • and changing HTML or text content


You can use data values or index in a callback to define any property.

d3.select("div").selectAll("p").style("color", function(data, i) {
	return i % 2 ? "red" : "blue";



	.attr("r", "0");
	.delay(function(d, i) { return i * 10; })
	.attr("r", function(d) { return Math.sqrt(d); });

Try it for yourself

Exercise 0: Look at the example and create a transition to change the size of the circles:http://bit.ly/d3-transitions

Exercise 1: http://bit.ly/d3exercise1

In case you get stuck... Solution for Exercise 1

More Advanced D3

Scales and Domains


Loading external data


Scales transform a number in a certain interval (called the domain) into a number in another interval (called the range).

  • d3.scale.linear - construct a linear quantitative scale.
  • domain - get or set the scale's input domain.
  • range - get or set the scale's output range.

Quantitative Scale

  • Linear scales
  • Logarithmic scales
  • Power scales (including square root scales)

var x = d3.scale.linear()
		.domain([0, d3.max(data)])
		.range([0, 420]);
		.data([3, 7, 21, 31, 35, 42])
		.style("width", function(d) { return x(d) + "px"; })

Ordinal Scale

Ordinal Scale have a discrete domain, such as a set of names or categories.

var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
	.domain(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"])
	.rangeRoundBands([0, width], .1);

Color Categories

d3.scale.category10() - Constructs a new ordinal scale with a range of ten categorical colors:


Let's refactor our bar chart.

Create a bar charts with scale

Solution: Bar Charts with Scale


d3.svg.axis creates a new axis generator.

  • axis.scale
  • axis.orient
  • axis.ticks
  • axis.tickFormat

var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()


d3.time.format - creates a new local time formatter for a given specifier.


d3.time.scale - constructs a linear time scale.

var xScale = d3.time.scale()
 .domain([2009-07-13T00:02, 2009-07-13T23:48])
 .rangeRound([0, width]);
 //rangeRound does the same thing as range but rounds the values to integers or begining of dates.

d3.time.intervals - a time interval in local time.

  • d3.time.hour
  • d3.time.week
  • d3.time.monday
  • d3.time.year

Working with Arrays

Most commonly used functions

  • d3.min/d3.max
  • d3.range
  • d3.keys - lists the keys of an associative array.
  • d3.merge - merges multiple arrays into one array.
  • d3.nest - groups array elements hierarchically.

Loading External Resources

  • d3.json
  • d3.csv
  • d3.tsv


Bar Chart with tooltip

Pie Chart

Good News!

Other D3 resources


BY Aysegul Yonet / aysegulyonet@gmail.com